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Adams™ Plus Fogger

image: Adams™ Plus Fogger

Unique aerosol in aid of fleas and ticks in your house.

manufacturer: Farnam | In stock

  • Kills fleas and ticks, flea eggs, cockroaches, ants, spiders, mosquitoes and silverfish.
  • Reaches fleas hidden in carpets, rugs, drapes, upholstery, pet bedding and floor cracks.
  • For use in family rooms, great rooms, garages and kennels.
  • Leaves no lingering odor.
  • Protects for 7 months.
  • With PRECOR® ( Insect Growth Regulator )

Adams™ Plus Fogger 90 ml

  • Package code: 100512099

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.

In the home, all food processing surfaces and utensils should be covered during treatment, or thoroughly washed before use. Exposed food should be covered or removed. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING. 1. Vacuum thoroughly before fogging. To ensure unobstructed flow of fogger mist, open inside doors and cabinets. Remove or cover exposed food, dishes, utensils, food preparation equipment, and surfaces. Remove pets and birds and remove or cover (and turn off) aquariums. Close outside doors and windows. TURN OFF ALL IGNITION SOURCES SUCH AS PILOT LIGHTS (SHUT OFF GAS VALVES), OTHER OPEN FLAMES, OR RUNNING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES THAT CYCLE OFF AND ON (i.e., REFRIGERATORS, THERMOSTATS, etc.). Call your gas utility or management company if you need assistance with your pilot lights. 2. Use one container for each 3,000 cubic feet of area (a room 25’ X 15’ with an 8’ ceiling). DO NOT USE MORE THAN 1 FOGGER PER ROOM. DO NOT USE IN SMALL ENCLOSED SPACES SUCH AS CLOSETS, CABINETS, OR UNDER COUNTERS OR TABLES. DO NOT USE IN A ROOM 5’ X 5’ OR SMALLER; INSTEAD, ALLOW FOG TO ENTER FROM OTHER ROOMS. 3. Remove all motor vehicles before fogging garage. 4. Elevate fogger by placing on stand or table covered by newspaper in center of room to be fogged. Newspapers should be spread on the floor for several feet around area of release. 5. Before activating, tilt can away from face (container sprays straight up). Press down firmly on edge of actuator tab until it locks into place. 6. After activating fogger, leave room or house at once. Keep treated area closed for at least 2 hours, then open all doors and windows and allow treated area to air for 1 hour before returning. 7. For best results, spot treat with an ADAMS™ PLUS carpet & upholstery product under beds, furniture, or obstructed areas where fogger mist may not penetrate.

(S)-Methoprene ... 0,09%
Permetrhin ... 0,58%
Ostatní ... 99,33%

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Adams™ Plus Fogger

Unique aerosol in aid of fleas and ticks in your house.


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